The boys are all registered through AKC. Their breeders are very reputable breeders who health test both parent dogs to ensure the best possible outcome.
We Embark test all of our studs even if we do not own them as we want to make sure we give the puppies the best chance to have a wonderful full life!
We only have one stud here and that is our wonderful Humphrey as he isn't appreciative of the competition. Our other OES studs live with their amazing guardian families. Ernie is a standard poodle whom we use occasionally, and he belongs to a breeder friend.
The studs are brought to our home and get to romance their lucky lady in our honeymoon suite! It is a very large kennel with a heated and cooled room for a little privacy.
Mr Peabody is such a funny guy, so sweet and loving. He is a little guy with a big attitude! His girls Lady and Ella!